Thursday 25 May 2017

QSO Relay 1.3 - An update

Chris Fredericks VK2BYI responded to a support email about an issue I was seeing with QSO Relay.
I was seeing a popup message saying that QSO Relay could not verify if a QSO had been written into the HRD Database.
I switched on "Enable Tracing" as per the troubleshooting guide.
This Created a Session log and also should the Exception logs. After turning off the enable tracing tick box it wrote all the issues to the session log.

I then sent Chris the contents of my c:\users\<my user name>\AppData\Roaming\VK3BYI\QSORelay folder to the email stated in the guide

He replied back the very next day with the solution to my problem.  When I looked at his advice I indeed hadn't created a connection string to the HRD Access DB. I had not configured QSO Relay correctly - DOH. I'm not sure how I missed that but a few clicks and I was done.

Next right clicking the QSO Relay icon in the task bar brought up the "Synchronise Databases.." option.

This synchronises the JTAlertX and HRD databases. I clicked it and got a message back saying that I had a duplicate record in my HRD database. It wrote the actual error into an exception log which is human readable. There it was in plain sight. I had a dupe in the log from back in 1980 that I hadn't noticed!
I deleted the dupe from HRD logbook and ran the synchronise process again. It ran without error.

Next, while still having the "Enable tracing" option checked I made a WSJT-X JT65 QSO.
QSO Relay intercepted the ADIF log and parsed it through to HRD without any error. I disabled the "Enable tracing" option and the session log was written to and closed. Examination of this log found that communication had worked and all was good.

I can't emphasise just how useful this small program is in your radio arsenal. When using WSJT-X and Ham Radio Deluxe Version 6.x in conjunction with the latest JTAlertX it is an essential addition.

Great thanks go to Chris VK2BYI for adding this superb program to the ham radio community and his fantastic support.

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